Vue.js Freelance Developer - Programmer

Vue Freelance Developer

With over 15 years of experience in web development, I specialize in Vue.js among other front-end frameworks

What is Vue.js

Vue.js, or simply Vue, is a Javascript framework which, by abstracting the data rendering process and updating the DOM, allows the creation of user interfaces through a declarative approach. This means that using a specific syntax we will only have to worry about indicating what must be shown within a web page. Behind the scenes, Vue will take care of displaying and appropriately updating the data of an application.

Why use Vue

For starters, Vue.js is one of the simplest frameworks for most developers because it uses JavaScript. Therefore, anyone with basic JavaScript knowledge will be able to develop with Vue.js.

The Vue CLI tool, combined with other frontend development tools, greatly simplifies the configuration of Vue.js. It is set by default with various features, but you can also create code with a DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) logic and structure.

Responsiveness is also default in Vue.js. This means that the popular real-time functionality on the Angular framework is very easy with Vue.js. For example, in your Vue.js application you can easily apply a simple directive like v-if.

Among the main advantages of using Vue.js technology in web development:

Other front-end frameworks I work with

Vue.js isn't the only front-end framework I work with when developing web applications: